Band of Bohemia - Ravenswood, Chicago
Updated December 3, 2020
**Band of Bohemia is permanently closed, we are sorry to see this gem go**
Meet BoB. BoB likes beer. flavorful, adventurous, craft beer.
Band of Bohemia (BoB) is a culinary brewery in Chicago worth visiting. This artistic, chef-run bar and restaurant also has an impressive coffee and tea program. See the menu here. Enjoy beer flights and bites any night (except Mondays).
The Arts
Elizabeth Weber, a local Chicago artist, has featured works throughout the restaurant that are available for purchase.
Enjoy live music on Thursday nights.
When live music isn't on, you may be treated to something on the vinyl track.
Band of Bohemia also hosts the Caravan Art Festival, which involves music, food, bevvs, and art, right in time for Oktoberfest.
Try your hand at shut the box, a dice game of chance - while you're at it you may as well roll for a dealer's choice cocktail. Shut the box is a pub game where players take turns rolling the dice, and the sum of their roll knocks down a number in the box. If a player successfully shuts the box, he or she wins the pot of money, beer, dignity...whatever you choose to play for.