What to Do When You Get In a Biking Accident

Updated October 25, 2021

Did you know since 2012, 5.5 people on average die in bike accidents every year in Chicago? Despite that, more than 1/3 of the accidents involved alcohol use.


We started this article with two negative pieces of data. Citizens of Chicago must realize how important it is to be fully-concentrated when driving. Despite that, having the proper bike safety equipment is equally important. It is also important to follow the rules that will keep you safe.   

Let’s continue on a positive note. Chicago is one of the most bike-friendly cities in the United States. It is becoming more bike-friendly every day and many biking events are organized in and around the city. Still, this doesn’t mean that bike riders should become irresponsible. Actually, it is quite the opposite.

If you get in a biking accident, there are a couple of things you should do before hiring a lawyer. Many people are in shock when they are involved in an accident and they forget to do some basic things. However, here are some reminders.

Let’s start!

Remain Calm and Call 911

We understand how shocked you may be when a bike accident happens. Yet, before you do anything else, you should call 911. There are a couple of reasons for that.

First of all, you should file a formal accident report. Many people neglect to do that because they feel they might be responsible for the accident. The report will serve as a strong piece of evidence if you go to court. It will help you strengthen your story and the person responsible for causing the accident won’t be able to “change” what actually occurred.

The second reason why you should call 911 is – health.

You need to ensure that you and the other party are uninjured after the accident. Even if you don’t seem to be seriously injured at the time of the accident, that doesn’t mean that you are completely okay. This is not a risk you should take.

The role of the police is crucial and it is necessary to involve them immediately after the accident!

Get the Driver’s Personal Information

After you call 911, if you are able, you need to get several pieces of information from the other party. For instance, you should get their personal information such as name, contact number, license plate number and insurance.

The other party might want some of the same information from you. You should share this information with them. Try to keep the interaction friendly..

Get Contact Information of the Witnesses

This is one of the most important steps. When a bike-car accident happens, people will probably stop to help. They will want to know if the car and bike driver are okay. That doesn’t mean they will stay until the police come. If there aren’t serious injuries they move on with their day.

It is important that you ask them for their contact information. For instance, you should get their name, phone number and email address. If they need to go before the police arrive, you can share the witness information with the police. The police may later call on the witnesses to give a statement. They may also be a witness if the case goes to court.

We need to repeat the phrase once again – “ask them kindly”. Many people may refuse to give you their information because going to a court would be a waste of their time. Explain the situation and tell them why you need their help

Take Photos of the Scene

It doesn’t matter if you caused the accident or not. Having any sort of visual evidence is always going to be beneficial. The best situation would be if there are video cameras near the scene of the accident. Video would be strong evidence for your lawyer if the case goes to court. Yet, do not count on that.

Instead, if your mobile phone is available, take a couple of pictures of the scene. Take a picture of your bike and the vehicle. Get pictures from several different angles. It would be smart to also take pictures of any injuries. 

Visit a Doctor

Yes, we said that calling 911 immediately after the accident is crucial. Yet, it is equally important that you visit a doctor as soon as possible. Usually you might notice pain after 24 to 48 hours. For instance, one of the things that you should mention when you visit a physician is if you notice memory loss. Many bike riders think that they can’t remember something because they were in shock after an accident. It could be that you bumped your head during the fall and have a slight concussion. 

Remember – Your Health is Very Important

Bonus Tip: Get a Lawyer

There are approximately 63 thousand lawyers in the state of Illinois. Yet, not all of those lawyers will be the right choice for your case. You need to find an attorney that has experience with accident cases. For instance, not all attorneys practice personal injury law. It will benefit you to do some research and find a lawyer that specializes in car-bike accidents.