Chicago Shuffle: The Windy City Shuffleboard League

Updated May 11, 2019
superbowl shuffle gif.gif

Do The Shuffle

Chicagoans are cautiously optimistic sports enthusiasts thanks to the volcanic performance of local teams - shout out to the 1985 Chicago Bears, doing the Super Bowl Shuffle. Yep, that's the last time Da Bears won Da Superbowl. Remember that? Current stats suggest Da Bears volcano is currently dormant but could strike at any moment. Perhaps a GIF of Rizzo riding a cursed goat would be more appropriate here, but to our knowledge that doesn't (yet) exist.

There are plenty of Chicago bars with shuffleboard tables, but only a select few offer shuffleboard leagues. Chicago Rex has facilitated and managed Chicago Shuffle leagues in the past, but we don’t have a season on the docket right now. Subscribe to Chicago Shuffle's newsletter or head to the Chicago Shuffle league page for upcoming seasons.


Chicago Shuffleboard League Format:

  • Teams of at least 2 players, ideally 4 or more players to allow for subs

  • Weekly matches are scheduled between 6pm and 9pm and take about an hour

  • Come early and stay late to enjoy team drinks and exclusive league member specials (varies by location)

  • Play the best of 3 games

  • 6 week league plus playoffs and championship tournament

  • Choose between single location league or rotating format

This is your chance to compete for the title of Chicago Shuffle Champions! Start choreographing your own shuffle victory dance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do I need to know how to play shuffleboard to be in a league?
A. No. Chicago Shuffle is for all skill levels and the league manager will help any players learning for the first time. If you haven't shuffled before or it's been a while, check out this article about how to play shuffleboard. As the league grows we may add divisions based on skill level, but until then all levels are in the shuffle. 
Q. How many people do I need to play?
A. All games are doubles and require 2 players. If you'd like to join the league as a free agent we will place you on a team. Teams may have more than 2 players to accommodate schedules/availability of substitutes and to maximize our fun levels! Only 2 players per team will play in any given frame, but multiple combinations of players could play in a game (and match).
Q. When are the games and how many do I play?
A. Each team plays one match per week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday nights, which is the best of 3 games. Matches will take about an hour, and teams are encouraged to come all night regardless of their start time to socialize, enjoy league member specials, and support the bars hosting them.
Q. How do I score?
A. We will use cancellation scoring, with all weights in scoring zones counting toward a team's score. After each frame, the team that scored more points will subtract the score of the other team's points and add that number to their overall score. Example: Team A scores 8 points and team B scores 1 point. Team A would get 7 points after subtracting 1 from 8. Games may switch to sudden death if games run beyond their allotted time slot.
Q. Who do I contact with more questions?
Please send an email to Chicago Shuffle with questions.